[:en]On 9th & 10th of April we organized Easter bazaar in the area of Diolkos Company in Kifissia in cooperation with the ELAIS – Unilever Hellas. We thank both companies for their hospitality and great participation, which led to the success of the event. [:el]Στις 9 & 10 Απριλίου διοργανώθηκε πασχαλινό παζάρι στο χώρο της...
[:en]High school students from Erasmeios Ellinogermaniki on the occasion of the Day of Solidarity, visited the Centre for Individuals with Special Needs to volunteer. Together with their teachers decided to clean the area and gym equipment. [:el]Οι μαθητές του Λυκείου με αφορμή την ημέρα αλληλεγγύης, επισκέφτηκαν το Κέντρο Ειδικών Ατόμων η “Χαρά”, για να προσφέρουν...